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The Significant Value of Closed Captioning Companies

Anyone could benefit from captioning especially for people with limited access to source language and hearing difficulties as well. Though both captioning and subtitling process display text on the screen, they differ in purposes and the manner of presentation. Unlike subtitling which is commonly used for an audience with normal hearing but unable to understand the source language, closed captioning is utilized to help audience with hearing impairment get access to non-verbal information through displayed captions.

Captioning is now globally seen on online videos, related to education, marketing, and entertainment. Aside from captioning, transcripts are also used to generate online viewers or as a communication tool. Thanks to the growing number of closed captioning companies at present who are equipped with technical know-how and the right video editing experts to produce quality captioned videos.

Knowing the benefits of captioning

Captioning provides several benefits that could help your video connect to any type of audience whether live broadcast, post-production broadcast, or online. It actually covers all types of viewers including people with hearing problems, foreigners, or those who are interested in learning new languages. At the same time, captioning also complements venues with a noisy background such as auditoriums, stadiums, and other places with a large gathering of people.

Broadcasting networks nowadays are bounded by laws and regulated by the Federal Communication Commission or (FCC), requiring them to produce captions or sign language insets on the television screens. This is to ensure that the important information of the video programs, whether live or recorded are generally accessible to all viewers.

Classification of captioning

Fortunately, closed captioning companies have all the necessary tools and techniques to accommodate various needs of a client. If the video is intended for all types of viewers, open captioning could be the appropriate choice wherein captions are permanently displayed at all times. On the other hand, closed captioning could only be activated when needed.

In some cases, clients may select real-time captioning or other offline captioning processes such as pop-up, roll-up, and subtitling. Real-time captioning is performed simultaneously during live broadcast including live interviews and public speaking. Roll-up captioning displays two or three lines of captions at a time and often preferred when there is limited broadcast time. Lastly, pop-up captioning shows two or three lines which are synchronized, grouped together, and form a meaning easily understood by the viewers.

The choice between outsourcing and 'Do-It-Yourself'

If you are thinking of doing the captioning yourself, you are getting the risks of spending more time and money instead of saving. Though online demo videos and captioning software are readily available in the market today, closed captioning companies could still offer the expertise that would never compromise quality. They gather the best-talented professionals such as transcribers, transcript editors, and video technicians that could produce high-quality videos with synchronized and properly embedded information.

Captioning requires a lot of processes, starting from transcribing to actual encoding of captions onto the video source. The transcribing software is now utilized by companies to help their transcribers but still human intervention is far better than machine-produced transcripts. Beyond standard compliance enforced by service industries today, technology will always be an important part of the captioning process.